This Unearthed Arcana offered a Sorcerer bloodline called the 'Favored Soul', which attempts to map the old class/archetype of the same name onto the existing Sorcerer class. They did a good job of producing the feel of the old class, but unfortunately made far too powerful a bloodline in the process. I'm going to attempt here to revise their bloodline in a few major ways to correct that balance problem, and a few minor ways to improve the aesthetics.

Spells Known

The first, and largest problem with the bloodline as written is that it greatly expands the number of known spells for the Sorcerer. That's specifically called out as a bad idea in the same article, and it really produces a major power boost for the variety-limited Sorcerer. We'll take two steps to address this:

First, we will restrict the Sorcerer by its existing 'spells known' number. Domains will add spells to the spell list from which spells may be selected, but they will not be automatically known. Second, the Favored Soul will choose its spells from the Cleric spell list, not from the Sorcerer one. This fits the old class much more closely, and keeps the casting in-theme for the bloodline.

At 1st level, you choose one of the cleric class’s divine domains. You select spells that you learn
from the Cleric class spell list, and from the spells available to that domain. These spells are
considered to be sorcerer spells for you.
Divine Wings

This is clearly intended to map directly to the Dragon Wings feature, but it is too similar, even using the same wording in every way. And some of that imageryLet's aim less for 'angelic' and more for 'saintly'. To replace the disadvantage the Dragon Wings offer (needing special gear), let's replace it with a mildly disadvantageous light effect.

At 14th level you gain the ability to ride the celestial winds, gaining a flying speed equal to your
current walking speed. You may activate and deactivate this ability as a bonus action - while it is
active, you shed dim light in a 10' radius.
Power of the Chosen

Unfortunately, our rework of Chosen of the Gods makes this ability not work as originally written. Instead, let's offer some thematic metamagic options, one of which duplicates that effect (but to an extra target, and with an SP cost), and one of which is more proactive and defensive.

Divine Benevolence
When you cast a spell that targets an ally, you may spend 1 sorcery point to cause that spell to
also restore HP to that target and to yourself equal to the spell's level plus your Charisma
modifier (minimum 1).
Divine Protection
When you cast a spell that targets a single ally, you may spend 1 sorcery point to cause that ally
to shimmer with holy radiance. Attacks against that character are made at disadvantage, and saves by
that character are made with advantage until the start of your next turn.

All Together:


----- Chosen of the Gods ------
At 1st level, you choose one of the cleric class’s divine domains. You select spells that you learn
from the Cleric class spell list, and from the spells available to that domain. These spells are
considered to be sorcerer spells for you.

----- Bonus Proficiencies -----
At 1st level, you gain proficiency in light armor, medium armor, shields, and simple weapons.

----- Extra Attack -----
At 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action.

----- Divine Winds -----
At 14th level you gain the ability to ride the celestial winds, gaining a flying speed equal to your
current walking speed. You may activate and deactivate this ability as a bonus action - while it is
active, you shed dim light in a 10' radius.

----- Power of the Chosen -----
At 18th level, you gain the ability to imbue your spells with divine light. You gain one of the
following Metamagic options, of your choice:

*Divine Benevolence*
When you cast a spell that targets an ally, you may spend 1 sorcery point to cause that spell to
also restore HP to that target and to yourself equal to the spell's level plus your Charisma
modifier (minimum 1).

*Divine Protection*
When you cast a spell that targets a single ally, you may spend 1 sorcery point to cause that ally
to shimmer with holy radiance. Attacks against that character are made at disadvantage, and saves
by that character are made with advantage until the start of your next turn.