Way of the Jet Eye

The Order of the Jet Eye is dedicated to law and order and conquering their own darker natures. They consider the Weave to be fundamental to all things (and not merely arcane magics, like many believe), and feel that by aligning themselves with its will (instead of struggling against it, impelled by base emotions) they can reach greater understanding and defend peace.

There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Weave


When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain the ability to telekinetically control any unheld objects within 30 feet, weighing no more than 5 pounds per monk level. Such objects may be lifted and moved, but your ability to manipulate them is comparable to your ability to do so with an object held in your hand while wearing thick mittens - you could push a button or turn a key, but not pick a lock or sign your name.

You may additionally cause a qualifying object to fly through the air and land in your hand as a bonus action, by spending a single ki point.

Mental Arts

You are able to use your ki to duplicate the effects of certain spells, although you do not cast them. You are not considered to be "casting a spell", but concentration and verbal or somatic components are still required if the spell would require them. You may use the effects of any of the following spells as soon as you reach the specified Monk level, by spending ki points equal to the level of the spell.

Blade of Light

When you reach 6th level, you learn to construct a type of weapon unique to your order, a Blade of Light. This weapon is a light, finesse monk weapon that does radiant, force, or fire damage (chosen when it is created) equal to your Martial Arts die, and is a +1 weapon. When you reach level 11 you can rebuild it as a +2 weapon, and at level 17 it becomes a +3 weapon. It is traditionally a sword, but can be constructed in any rigid shape, such as a glaive or staff (but not a whip or flail). The Blade emits dim light (of a color chosen when it is constructed) to a radius of 30 feet while active, and produces a quiet hum as it cuts through the air.

Prescient Deflection

By 11th level, you have empowered your blade of light with your ki - your Deflect Missiles ability can be used on any spell or ability that performs a ranged attack roll (and also magic missiles). Most spells cannot be held though - they will simply disperse if they are not redirected.

One with the Weave

Starting at 17th level, you are able to detect any disturbance in the weave as a faint vibration against your senses. You permanently gain nonmagical senses equivalent to the effects of Detect Magic and See Invisibility.