
A Grappler invests enormous training and effort into improving his ability to take hold of his enemies and control their motion. Studying wrestling, aikido, joint locks and pain holds, he gains access to a pool of unusual maneuvers that enable him to excel in this area, as well experience that allows him to use these holds to keep enemies off balance and to deliver punishment on them.

Grappler Features

Fighter Level Feature
3rd Grappling Maneuvers
7th Leverage
10th Improved Maneuvers
15th Feeling the Burn
18th Tactical Excellence

Grappling Maneuvers

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain access to grapple maneuvers that are powered by a pool of special dice called maneuver dice.

You learn four maneuvers of your choice, which are detailed under Maneuvers below. You learn one additional maneuver of your choice at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level. Each time you gain a level of Fighter, you may replace one maneuver you know with a different one.

You have a number of maneuver dice equal to your Fighter level, which are d4s. You regain all of your expended maneuver dice when you finish a short or long rest.

Some of your maneuvers require your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver's effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).


At 7th level, you learn to use your weight more effectively to control the motion of your opponent. When grappling a creature of your size or smaller, you can move it around during your turn - you spend 2 feet of movement for every foot of motion you impose. You gain the same benefit with creatures one size larger than you, but must spend 3 feet of movement for every foot of imposed motion. This motion and any movement you spend dragging your enemies ignores the usual weight limits - you are not scraping them across the floor, but controlling their own motion.

Additionally, if you shove a creature while grappling it, you may spend movement to move with it after succeeding.

Improved Maneuvers

At 10th level, your maneuver dice turn into d6s. At 15th level, they turn into d8s.

Feeling the Burn

When you reach 15th level, you learn to reach through the pain, and perform maneuvers when your body thinks it has nothing left to give. You become able to spend your hit dice as maneuver dice - each time you do so, roll the hit die - you lose that many hit points, and your maximum hit points are reduced by the same amount. Your maximum hit points recover when you complete a long rest.

Tactical Excellence

Starting at 18th level, your experience with your maneuvers allows you to roll each maneuver die twice, and use the higher value rolled.


Body Shield

When you are hit by any attack while grappling or climbing any creature, you may expend your reaction and one maneuver die to roll the die and add the total to your AC for that attack. If the attack now misses you, the attacker must perform that same attack on the grappled/climbed creature.

If you use a creature to block itself, it has disadvantage on the resulting attack.

Closing Attack

As a bonus action, you may spend one maneuver die to gain additional movement. Roll the die and multiply the result by 5 - you gain that many feet of additional movement this turn. You have advantage on your next grapple, shove, or climb check this turn.


In place of melee attack made as part of the Attack action, you may spend one maneuver die to wrestle away one item or weapon held by a creature you are grappling. Your target must make a Strength saving throw, and their result is reduced by your maneuver die roll. If they fail the save, the object is removed from the target's grasp, and is either held in your hand or thrown up to 10 feet away (your choice). You may choose to release the grapple in order to hold the object.


When a creature you are grappling (or climbing on, if you are able to reach a sensitive area) attempts to cast a spell, you may use your reaction and expend a maneuver die to force the caster to make a concentration save, subtracting the maneuver die from their total. If they fail the save, the spell is not cast, but the spell slot is not expended.

Persistent Grapple

Whenver a creature attempts to escape your grapple, you may spend a maneuver die and subtract it from their check. This does not use your reaction.

Quick Grab

As a bonus action, you may expend a maneuver die to attempt to grapple an enemy. You have disadvantage on the check, but you add your maneuver die to the total.


When you deal damage with a successful melee attack, you may expend a manuever die to force your target to make a Strength or Dexterity save (their choice). If they fail the save, they take additional bludgeoning damage equal to your maneuver die roll, and are prone.


When you succeed on an attempt to Shove a target, you may expend a maneuver die to send them flying - roll the maneuver die and multiply the result by 5; your target is thrown that many feet away and becomes prone.


As an action, you may spend a maneuver die to move up to your speed and then make a single grapple attempt; add your maneuver die to your check. If your attempt succeeds, you and your target both also become prone - if it fails only you do.


While grappling a creature, you may spend a maneuver die as a bonus action to interfere with that creature's movements - until the end of your next turn (while they remain grappled), you roll your maneuver die for every attack or Dexterity or Strength save they attempt and reduce their roll by that much.

Choke Hold

While you have a creature grappled, you may spend one maneuver die as an action to strangle it. Your target is unable to speak or perform verbal components while you maintain your grip. Roll your maneuver die and add the total to your Maneuver DC to determine the save DC of your choke hold. As an action, your target may attempt to break your hold - they must make a Strength save against your improved save DC - if they pass, your choke-hold and grapple both end.

Find Vulnerability

While you are grappling or climbing a creature, you may spend one maneuver die as a bonus action to make a Wisdom (Perception) check - add your maneuver die to the total. If your total is higher than your target's AC, you deal extra damage against that target until you stop grappling or climbing it.

Once per round, when you strike that target with a melee weapon attack, you may add a number of d6s equal to your proficiency bonus to the damage of that attack.

Collapsing Maneuver

When you perform an attack on a creature you are grappling or climbing, you may expend one maneuver die and release your hold to deal extra damage to that creature with both hands. Roll the maneuver die four times, and add the total to your attack damage for the attack (this die is not multiplied by a critical hit). Afterwards, you are no longer grappling or climbing that target, which may cause you to fall to the ground.