Dumathoin's Dedicate

These dwarven warriors dedicate their lives to Dumathoin's service, defending parties as they venture into the deep places of the earth. They find great beauty in the depths that have not yet been worked and shaped, and they are never content to worship him in peace. In exchange for their oath and service, Dumathoin grants them access to the barest fraction of his power, so long as it is used in accordance with his will.

Dumathoin's Dediate Features

Fighter Level Feature
3rd Dedication
7th Secrets of the Depths
10th Dumathoin's Protection
15th Deeper Connection
18th Dumathoin's Avatar


When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain access to a pool containing a number of Dedication Points equal to your proficiency bonus. These points are recovered only when you complete a long rest. You also gain the following abilities which can expend those points:

Secrets of the Depths

At 7th level, Dumathoin begins to whisper secrets in your ear. Once per short rest, if you are underground, you may ask him about any secrets within 60 feet of you - he will respond with a sensation indicating that there are none, one, or several such secrets (which may be intentionally hidden, or lost long ago). You gain advantage on perception and investigation checks made to find secret doors and items.

Dumathoin's Protection

At 10th level, Dumathoin grants you the favor of his protective embrace. Your AC is increased by 1. When you use your Second Wind, you also gain temporary hitpoints equal to your proficiency modifier.

Deeper Connection

When you reach 15th level, you learn to commune with your god through meditation. During a short rest, you recover up to 1d4 Dedication Points, as long as you are able to spend at least 10 minutes of it meditating.

Dumathoin's Avatar

Starting at 18th level, as a bonus action, you may invoke Dumathoin's wrath - you gain the effects of the Enlarge spell for 1 minute, you gain temporary hit points equal to your maximum HP, and your weapon attacks deal an additional d6 of damage. At the end of that period, you fall unconscious and gain one level of exhaustion. You may perform this action only once per long rest.