Circle of the Elements

Druids of the Circle of the Elements are champions of nature. They seek to unleash its immense fury against its enemies, and share their own awe at its immense power with the world. Instead of living in harmony with some region, they seek out the extremes of the world - glaciers, deserts, volcanos, the depths of the sea - spend time there, and learn the secrets therein.

Damage types are associated with particular elements thusly:

Elemental Affinity

When you select this Circle at 2nd level, choose one of the four elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth. You gain access to additional spells depending on the element chosen. You may choose a different element when you gain a druid level. Each spell becomes available to you only when you have slots with which you could cast it.

Level Fire Water Earth Air
Cantr Fire Bolt Frostbite Acid Splash Gust
1st Burning Hands Fog Cloud Earth Tremor Feather Fall
2nd Flaming Sphere Misty Step Earthbind Warding Wind
3rd Fireball Sleet Storm Wall of Sand Fly
4th Wall of Fire Watery Sphere Stoneskin Greater Invisibility
5th Immolation Cone of Cold Wall of Stone Steel Wind Strike

Elemental Efficiency

Beginning at 2nd level, you may cast spells given by your affinity without spending a spell slot. You may cast spells totalling up to half of your druid level (rounded up) in this way before taking a long rest.

Elemental Focus

At 6th level, you gain greater control over the element you are attuned to. After rolling damage matching your affinity for a spell (of level 1 or higher) or for a spell granted by your affinity, you may choose to reroll all of the damage dice (once). Additionally, you may choose to protect a number of affected characters that you can see equal to your Wisdom modifier from that damage - they take no damage from that spell, though they are still affected by any other effects of the spell.

Elemental Protection

At 10th level, you become immune to the damage types associated with your affinity, and may use your reaction to make one ally within 10 feet of you who has just received damage of those types resistant to them until the end of your next turn.


Starting at 14th level, you physically take on some of the characteristics of your chosen element: